Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How to Get Rid of Pimples
Pimples are a threat to society. However, it’s not something that cannot be taken on. There are lots of acne skin care wares round. We can classify acne skin care wares into three distinct categories:
- Preventive or common acne skin care products
- Over-the-counter, specialized acne skin care products
- On-prescription acne skin care products
Then there are specialized acne skin care products that are accessible over-the-counter i.e. without the need of a prescription. These include products like vanishing creams which extract the excess oil from the skin. Most of these acne skin care wares are set on benzoylperoxide and salicylic acid, both of which are the enemies of bacterias (and hence acne). You should begin with a ware that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5%) and see how your skin reacts to it. Alpha-hydroxylic-acid set moisturizers are also popular as acne skin care products. You might have to try a few, before you zero-in on the acne skin care ware that is good for you. If nothing seems to work, you should meet a skin doctor.
On-prescription acne skin care products are the ones that are appointed by a skin doctor. This can include ointments that can be applied on the involved area or oral antibiotic drugs or just any local treatment. dermatologist could also suggest a minor surgical procedure to remove the contents of pustules. Even So, never try to squeeze or do this by yourself, it can lead to permanent damage of your skin. Your doctor could also prescribe a hormone-based treatment (since hormonal shifts are also known to cause acne). Such acne skin care wares are recognized to be very good in some cases.
So, with all those acne skin care products, taking on acne is not that difficult. Though, the effect isn't the same on all persons, because of several factors like body conditions, allergies and such.. pimple products may offer some consequences, use them or rather buy them at your own risk.
I suggest you read the procedures of your acne ware to buy before using it.
Pimple/Acne/Zit Defined!
First and Foremost, what is Acne?
You may think this post is so silly right?, but just sit up, read through and be dumbfounded. There are a lot of FAQS about acne/pimple/zit that you do not know(I'm sure of it).
Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Some of the characteristics of acne include blackheads, pimples, cysts, infected abscesses, and rarely scarring. Acne usually takes place during adolescence in any men and women. To be more specific, acne starts during puberty and runs to get worse for people with oily skin. Acne gravely strikes teenage boys. Only low to average forms of acne occur in middle-aged adult females. Acne can be found most commonly on the face. The other places where it can occur include the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms, legs ,even in guy's penises and woman's vagina (how painful is that). Most classes of acne are the result of genetic endowment and hormonal troubles.
Acne comes out in a similar way for all but can take different forms and can respond in a special way corresponding to the body circumstances of the individual. A basic lesion called the comedo is the begining of acne. The comedo is an enlarged hair follicle clogged with oil and bacterias resting under the surface of your skin, that awaits for the right circumstances to rise into an inflamed wound. Whenever the skin produces more oil, the bacterias grows inside the swollen follicle. The surrounding skin becomes increasingly inflamed as your white blood cells fight against the trespassers. Two main types of acne include (a) non-inflammatory acne and (b) inflammatory acne.
(A) Non-inflammatory acne
(B) Inflammatory acne
The frequent symptoms of acne include persistent, recurrent red spots or swellings on the skin known as zits. The zits become inflamed and get filled with pus. The pimples usually occur on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, or upper portion of the back. Some of the other symptoms include dark spots with open pores at the core, which are known as blackheads, bulged spots under the skin without openings, which are known as whiteheads, and red swellings or lumps filled with pus, which are known as pustules. The pustules can develop from blackheads or whiteheads. Inflamed fluid-filled lumps under the skin known as cysts are also a symptom of acne. These cysts can become as large as an inch crosswise.
You may think this post is so silly right?, but just sit up, read through and be dumbfounded. There are a lot of FAQS about acne/pimple/zit that you do not know(I'm sure of it).
Its Definition:
Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Some of the characteristics of acne include blackheads, pimples, cysts, infected abscesses, and rarely scarring. Acne usually takes place during adolescence in any men and women. To be more specific, acne starts during puberty and runs to get worse for people with oily skin. Acne gravely strikes teenage boys. Only low to average forms of acne occur in middle-aged adult females. Acne can be found most commonly on the face. The other places where it can occur include the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms, legs ,even in guy's penises and woman's vagina (how painful is that). Most classes of acne are the result of genetic endowment and hormonal troubles.
Cases of acne:
Acne comes out in a similar way for all but can take different forms and can respond in a special way corresponding to the body circumstances of the individual. A basic lesion called the comedo is the begining of acne. The comedo is an enlarged hair follicle clogged with oil and bacterias resting under the surface of your skin, that awaits for the right circumstances to rise into an inflamed wound. Whenever the skin produces more oil, the bacterias grows inside the swollen follicle. The surrounding skin becomes increasingly inflamed as your white blood cells fight against the trespassers. Two main types of acne include (a) non-inflammatory acne and (b) inflammatory acne.
(A) Non-inflammatory acne
- Closed comedo:
- Open comedo:
(B) Inflammatory acne
- Papule:
- Pustule:
- Cyst:
- Acne conglobata:
Here are the Symptoms:
The frequent symptoms of acne include persistent, recurrent red spots or swellings on the skin known as zits. The zits become inflamed and get filled with pus. The pimples usually occur on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, or upper portion of the back. Some of the other symptoms include dark spots with open pores at the core, which are known as blackheads, bulged spots under the skin without openings, which are known as whiteheads, and red swellings or lumps filled with pus, which are known as pustules. The pustules can develop from blackheads or whiteheads. Inflamed fluid-filled lumps under the skin known as cysts are also a symptom of acne. These cysts can become as large as an inch crosswise.
Monday, July 13, 2009
How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast!! Sitemap
Just entered a sitemap, I'll update it more or rather improve it on the days to come. It's located on the lower right of the blog. I added it for easier navigation since I'm only showing one post per page, enjoy your stay.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Common Pimple Treaments
Pimples are one of the most common skin problems affecting people worldwide. A big misconception is that pimples affects only teenagers, but many are surprised to learn that adults also suffer from the same inconvenience. Among the many causes are clogged pores resulting from makeup, everyday air pollution and cases of hormonal changes. While pimples is a part of life for many individuals, I can say that it can be effectively treated.
One of the best natural remedies for pimple is to wash your face at least twice a day. Early in the morning after waking up and late at night before you sleep - are both good times to clean the face. A moisturizing soap that is the most gentle for your skin is advisable.
Many people choose to use retail acne treatment products, w/c can be effective if used properly. It is very important, however, that consumers read and understand the instructions and warning labels found in the packaging. All acne treatment creams, pads or face wash products should be kept away from the eyes, mouth and are for external use only. This is not only true of retail products, but prescribed medicines as well.
For a recurring or severe case of pimple, many sufferers turn to a dermatologist for a more aggressive treatments. In most cases, a prescribed routine and medication can help to treat pimple. In most cases, a followup visit will be scheduled so that the doctor may monitor the progress & determine whether additional steps should be taken to end the problem.
It is also very important to ward off aggravating, or disrupting, any & all pimples blemishes. Otherwise, the sufferer will face a possible bacterial infection from dirt &/or germs that reside underneath the fingernail and your hands. When your fingernails look clean it doesn't necessarily mean that it's clean. There are lots of germs & bacteria, which are not visible to the naked eye, that reside underneath your fingernail. This is why an acne sufferer should avoid any direct link between their hand & the blemished area.
One of the best natural remedies for pimple is to wash your face at least twice a day. Early in the morning after waking up and late at night before you sleep - are both good times to clean the face. A moisturizing soap that is the most gentle for your skin is advisable.
Many people choose to use retail acne treatment products, w/c can be effective if used properly. It is very important, however, that consumers read and understand the instructions and warning labels found in the packaging. All acne treatment creams, pads or face wash products should be kept away from the eyes, mouth and are for external use only. This is not only true of retail products, but prescribed medicines as well.
For a recurring or severe case of pimple, many sufferers turn to a dermatologist for a more aggressive treatments. In most cases, a prescribed routine and medication can help to treat pimple. In most cases, a followup visit will be scheduled so that the doctor may monitor the progress & determine whether additional steps should be taken to end the problem.
It is also very important to ward off aggravating, or disrupting, any & all pimples blemishes. Otherwise, the sufferer will face a possible bacterial infection from dirt &/or germs that reside underneath the fingernail and your hands. When your fingernails look clean it doesn't necessarily mean that it's clean. There are lots of germs & bacteria, which are not visible to the naked eye, that reside underneath your fingernail. This is why an acne sufferer should avoid any direct link between their hand & the blemished area.
Pimples Not Just For Teens!
Contrary to some myths about acne, pimples are not for only teens going through puberty & hormonal turbulence.
In spite of the fact that the highest percent of the population that may have to deal w/ unsightly pimples, it can affect just about anyone and speaking from personal experience, if left untreated, pimples can be just as debilitating physically and emotionally on grownups as it is for teenagers.
Actually, adult pimples may even be more devastating since there is no excuse such as “it’s just puberty, you will outgrow it….” I guess all the somebodies who tried to console me as a teenager, who sadly had to deal with pimple till I was about 22, were wrong. They meant well, but were still wrong.
Now, adult pimple plagues 25 percent of adult males & up to 50 percent of adult females, though often unrecognized. Consequently, how to effectively control this predicament is obviously necessary.
Although, conventional handling of pimple for adults and teenagers are what a good deal of the population turns to, based on my experiences and dare I say common sense, what worked for me are natural acne remedies.
Since treatment and control for adult acne does not differ drastically from that for teens, with drug-free healing, these simple steps could be used by anyone coping w/ acne problems.
1. First, I care not what some sites & product endorsers say about how diet doesn’t affect acne; you have got to make a change in your eating habits, plain & simple. You are what you eat. If you want to have clearer skin & the added bonus of improved health, of course eating right is important. That said: Fruits & vegetables friends. Shop more in the produce aisle and steer clear of the snack stands at the cash register. It’s worth the sacrifice and this forms the basis of an internal pimples treatment right there from its root cause.
2. For external pimples care, you could learn such simple tips as facial massaging & exercises. However, (now I’m speaking from what I went through and believe me I had pimple BAD…) simply washing your face with nothing but clean hands and plain cool water may perhaps be the most efficient way to clean the pores. Combined w/ the facial massaging and occasional steaming of the face, this will be very sufficient to clean the skin.
3. Change your pillowcases daily & make sure you have a towel exclusively for your face or you could employ the use of paper towels.
4. On that subject, try to also sleep on the right side. Besides checking against contamination getting on the face, this is great for the heart & lungs & allows for a better & restful sleep (which co-incidentally helps with controlling pimples.)
5. For males, when shaving, shave in the direction of the hair-growth (mostly downwards) & for an after-shave procedure, look into face massaging & occasional facial steaming as well.
6. Avoiding the use of elaborate & inadvisable makeup regimens is advised. Besides, the clearer your skin becomes, you will see less of a need to have to spend time using make-up.
7. Deal with stressful situations smartly. This is another topic into itself but briefly these work: Proper diet (factor #1), proper thinking habits and exercise. For stress, allow me to mention Yoga - not enough space to explain, but do believe me.
Adult pimple can be frustrating and embarrassing, but w/ the steps above, take it from a guy who went through it and doesn’t have the problem anymore, you definitely will be on the path to clearer skin. Empower yourself w/ the use of these tips to be free from adult pimples starting today.
Another Pimple Story from a friend of mine, hope this helps!
In spite of the fact that the highest percent of the population that may have to deal w/ unsightly pimples, it can affect just about anyone and speaking from personal experience, if left untreated, pimples can be just as debilitating physically and emotionally on grownups as it is for teenagers.
Actually, adult pimples may even be more devastating since there is no excuse such as “it’s just puberty, you will outgrow it….” I guess all the somebodies who tried to console me as a teenager, who sadly had to deal with pimple till I was about 22, were wrong. They meant well, but were still wrong.
Now, adult pimple plagues 25 percent of adult males & up to 50 percent of adult females, though often unrecognized. Consequently, how to effectively control this predicament is obviously necessary.
Although, conventional handling of pimple for adults and teenagers are what a good deal of the population turns to, based on my experiences and dare I say common sense, what worked for me are natural acne remedies.
Since treatment and control for adult acne does not differ drastically from that for teens, with drug-free healing, these simple steps could be used by anyone coping w/ acne problems.
1. First, I care not what some sites & product endorsers say about how diet doesn’t affect acne; you have got to make a change in your eating habits, plain & simple. You are what you eat. If you want to have clearer skin & the added bonus of improved health, of course eating right is important. That said: Fruits & vegetables friends. Shop more in the produce aisle and steer clear of the snack stands at the cash register. It’s worth the sacrifice and this forms the basis of an internal pimples treatment right there from its root cause.
2. For external pimples care, you could learn such simple tips as facial massaging & exercises. However, (now I’m speaking from what I went through and believe me I had pimple BAD…) simply washing your face with nothing but clean hands and plain cool water may perhaps be the most efficient way to clean the pores. Combined w/ the facial massaging and occasional steaming of the face, this will be very sufficient to clean the skin.
3. Change your pillowcases daily & make sure you have a towel exclusively for your face or you could employ the use of paper towels.
4. On that subject, try to also sleep on the right side. Besides checking against contamination getting on the face, this is great for the heart & lungs & allows for a better & restful sleep (which co-incidentally helps with controlling pimples.)
5. For males, when shaving, shave in the direction of the hair-growth (mostly downwards) & for an after-shave procedure, look into face massaging & occasional facial steaming as well.
6. Avoiding the use of elaborate & inadvisable makeup regimens is advised. Besides, the clearer your skin becomes, you will see less of a need to have to spend time using make-up.
7. Deal with stressful situations smartly. This is another topic into itself but briefly these work: Proper diet (factor #1), proper thinking habits and exercise. For stress, allow me to mention Yoga - not enough space to explain, but do believe me.
Adult pimple can be frustrating and embarrassing, but w/ the steps above, take it from a guy who went through it and doesn’t have the problem anymore, you definitely will be on the path to clearer skin. Empower yourself w/ the use of these tips to be free from adult pimples starting today.
Another Pimple Story from a friend of mine, hope this helps!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Herbal Pimple Remedies
Herbal pimple home cures can be a working adjunct to whatever other treatments are being employed. It is essential to understand that they are not hard to do & are fast 'remedies' in the complete sense, but will instead support the body's capacity to metabolise fats & sugars, and encourage excretion through the lymphatic system.
The class of herbs known as alterative herbs are conceptualized traditionally as cleanser of the body's tissues. They are believed of as detoxifying herbs, but they do not work in any obvious way on the body's excretion channels - the lungs, kidneys, or colon. As such, they do not easily fit into a Western model of understanding the body. However, they do have a long tradition of use, & are certainly worth trying as an pimple household remedy. Because they work on the internal condition of the body, they are not going to replace any of the topical, over the counter acne treatments. But they may provide benefit in an indirect way that these pimple products don't.
Alterative herbaceous plants tend to be quite gentle in their effect, so they are best used as a long-term treatment. Results won't be sudden, but it will improve the health of the body overall. They tend to be given for chronic inflammatory problems, especially relating to the skin, such as pimples.
These herbs include burdock, cleavers, red clover, figwort, poke root, echinacea, and blue flag. A great combination is blue flag, burdock, yellow dock, & echinacea. They can be mixed together and infused w/ hot water to make tea. Drink a cup of 3 times a day to take effect. Put a little honey in it to make it taste better.
Another possible combination is burdock, dandelion, & sarsaparilla. Mix these together when they are dry herbs, & make a tea in the same way. They can be used separately as well.
There are a number of options for topical pimples home remedies as well. Tea tree oil (based on personal experience, any products with tea tree oil is really effective... soaps, cleansers, etc.) can be applied directly to break-outs, though for those w/ sensitive skin this may need to be diluted. Fresh cabbage juice can also be applied direct to pimples blemishes, & this may be a better option for those w/ sensitive skin.
An anti-inflammatory skin rinse can be made from calendula and chamomile. Make a tea as above, then let it cool & keep it in the fridge. Spray or pat this onto the affected areas on a regular basis.
Another combination for an pimple household cure skin wash is yarrow, elder flowers, and lavender.
Colloidal minerals such as potassium phosphate and magnesium phosphate can help support the skin. Zinc is excellent to help prevent scarring, as well as fortifying the immune system, & help supports the normal functioning of hormones.
Vitamin C is excellent for encouraging the healing of pimple lesions, as well as providing antioxidant support to the immune system.
This is a good post so please read it thoroughly.., Herbs like this are available on your backyard or your neighbor's backyard, so it just proves again that we do not need money to experience a pimple free face. Natural Pimple Skin Care is much much more effective and safe the conventional treatments we can buy at drug stores. Bottom line is - remedy your pimple and acne problems the natural way!
1. Simon Mills, The Essential Book Of Herbal Medicine
2. Judy Jacka, A - Z Of Natural Therapies
3. Paul Bedson, The Complete Family Guide To Natural Healing
The class of herbs known as alterative herbs are conceptualized traditionally as cleanser of the body's tissues. They are believed of as detoxifying herbs, but they do not work in any obvious way on the body's excretion channels - the lungs, kidneys, or colon. As such, they do not easily fit into a Western model of understanding the body. However, they do have a long tradition of use, & are certainly worth trying as an pimple household remedy. Because they work on the internal condition of the body, they are not going to replace any of the topical, over the counter acne treatments. But they may provide benefit in an indirect way that these pimple products don't.
Alterative herbaceous plants tend to be quite gentle in their effect, so they are best used as a long-term treatment. Results won't be sudden, but it will improve the health of the body overall. They tend to be given for chronic inflammatory problems, especially relating to the skin, such as pimples.
These herbs include burdock, cleavers, red clover, figwort, poke root, echinacea, and blue flag. A great combination is blue flag, burdock, yellow dock, & echinacea. They can be mixed together and infused w/ hot water to make tea. Drink a cup of 3 times a day to take effect. Put a little honey in it to make it taste better.
Another possible combination is burdock, dandelion, & sarsaparilla. Mix these together when they are dry herbs, & make a tea in the same way. They can be used separately as well.
There are a number of options for topical pimples home remedies as well. Tea tree oil (based on personal experience, any products with tea tree oil is really effective... soaps, cleansers, etc.) can be applied directly to break-outs, though for those w/ sensitive skin this may need to be diluted. Fresh cabbage juice can also be applied direct to pimples blemishes, & this may be a better option for those w/ sensitive skin.
An anti-inflammatory skin rinse can be made from calendula and chamomile. Make a tea as above, then let it cool & keep it in the fridge. Spray or pat this onto the affected areas on a regular basis.
Another combination for an pimple household cure skin wash is yarrow, elder flowers, and lavender.
Colloidal minerals such as potassium phosphate and magnesium phosphate can help support the skin. Zinc is excellent to help prevent scarring, as well as fortifying the immune system, & help supports the normal functioning of hormones.
Vitamin C is excellent for encouraging the healing of pimple lesions, as well as providing antioxidant support to the immune system.
This is a good post so please read it thoroughly.., Herbs like this are available on your backyard or your neighbor's backyard, so it just proves again that we do not need money to experience a pimple free face. Natural Pimple Skin Care is much much more effective and safe the conventional treatments we can buy at drug stores. Bottom line is - remedy your pimple and acne problems the natural way!
1. Simon Mills, The Essential Book Of Herbal Medicine
2. Judy Jacka, A - Z Of Natural Therapies
3. Paul Bedson, The Complete Family Guide To Natural Healing
10 Get Rid of Pimple Tips, Extra!
Are you searching for pimple answers that actually work? The good news is, whether you are a teen or an adult suffering from pimples, you don't have to live w/ it. Here you can find 10 easy & effective methods to get rid of pimple.
1. Wash your face 2 times a day using only mild soap, it is even best if you can buy sulfur-based soap. If your skin is overly oily, use a soap w/ benzoyl peroxide. Do not use rough and hard sponges, brushes, or anything similar on your face and skin. However, you should not over-wash your face because it will only stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum w/c will just increase pimple.
2. Do not prick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increases the sebum output and break the tissue layers below the skin. The infection & sebum will spread underneath the skin and stimulate more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on your face.
3. Check if it is because of the food you eat. For many people, food allergy can cause really serious acne condition. You should ward off eating too much oily and spicy food. New reports have shown that pimples can also be caused by milk which contains hormones, as well as seafoods w/ high levels of iodine. If possible, cut down on those foods. Other solid foods you may consider avoiding are: sugar, other dairy products, deep-fried or just fried food, meats, nut butters, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that green vegetables, veggie juices & foods rich in zinc can help alleviate acne condition.
4. Drink more than 8 glasses of water every day. "Eight glasses of water a day can keep pimples away." says Jennifer Thoden, a respected pimples expert. The reason is that water can carry waste materials out of our body and it really helps heal and prevent pimple flare-ups.
5. Don't use oily products. avoid products such as hair pomades, extreme oil-based moisturizers, & oily cleansers.
6. Keep your face clean. Don't rest your chin on your hands or always touch your face. Regular shampoo your hair and keep it off your face, especially when you sleep.
7. Exercise fairly as it helps in good blood circulation and elimination of toxins.
8. Do not wear make-up if possible. make-up products can clog your pores, stimulate more blackheads & pimples. If you have or need to wear makeup, make sure it is water-based. Be sure to clean your make-up brushes regularly & cleanse your skin before you sleep.
9. Get Sunshine and fresh air. Sunshine stimulates vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for healthier skin. Fresh air & sunshine can also reduce stress (tip #9) and increase oxygen to the skin. Do not get burnt in the sun though. Burnt & heavily tanned skin forms a layer on the skin that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough & can lead to blocked pores.
10. Stay stress-free. Reports have shown that stress not only worsens acne flare-up, it also worsens the overall skin condition. Talk to your friends, listen to your favorite music, or take a walk in the park. There are many things you can do to keep stress in control.
I know you can't get enough of these great tips so I'll put up more... please look out for them. Email me for testimonials for the methods given here at How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast!!.
1. Wash your face 2 times a day using only mild soap, it is even best if you can buy sulfur-based soap. If your skin is overly oily, use a soap w/ benzoyl peroxide. Do not use rough and hard sponges, brushes, or anything similar on your face and skin. However, you should not over-wash your face because it will only stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum w/c will just increase pimple.
2. Do not prick, press or rub your pimples. These actions actually increases the sebum output and break the tissue layers below the skin. The infection & sebum will spread underneath the skin and stimulate more pimples. Also, you risk increasing the chances of leaving scars on your face.
3. Check if it is because of the food you eat. For many people, food allergy can cause really serious acne condition. You should ward off eating too much oily and spicy food. New reports have shown that pimples can also be caused by milk which contains hormones, as well as seafoods w/ high levels of iodine. If possible, cut down on those foods. Other solid foods you may consider avoiding are: sugar, other dairy products, deep-fried or just fried food, meats, nut butters, etc. On the other hand, it is believed that green vegetables, veggie juices & foods rich in zinc can help alleviate acne condition.
4. Drink more than 8 glasses of water every day. "Eight glasses of water a day can keep pimples away." says Jennifer Thoden, a respected pimples expert. The reason is that water can carry waste materials out of our body and it really helps heal and prevent pimple flare-ups.
5. Don't use oily products. avoid products such as hair pomades, extreme oil-based moisturizers, & oily cleansers.
6. Keep your face clean. Don't rest your chin on your hands or always touch your face. Regular shampoo your hair and keep it off your face, especially when you sleep.
7. Exercise fairly as it helps in good blood circulation and elimination of toxins.
8. Do not wear make-up if possible. make-up products can clog your pores, stimulate more blackheads & pimples. If you have or need to wear makeup, make sure it is water-based. Be sure to clean your make-up brushes regularly & cleanse your skin before you sleep.
9. Get Sunshine and fresh air. Sunshine stimulates vitamin D in the body, an essential vitamin for healthier skin. Fresh air & sunshine can also reduce stress (tip #9) and increase oxygen to the skin. Do not get burnt in the sun though. Burnt & heavily tanned skin forms a layer on the skin that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough & can lead to blocked pores.
10. Stay stress-free. Reports have shown that stress not only worsens acne flare-up, it also worsens the overall skin condition. Talk to your friends, listen to your favorite music, or take a walk in the park. There are many things you can do to keep stress in control.
I know you can't get enough of these great tips so I'll put up more... please look out for them. Email me for testimonials for the methods given here at How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast!!.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
7 Unknown Tips for your Skin Pimples
A pimple problem is not a problem, so far as you know wise acne skin care points. One does not need much money to get that vibrant glowing skin, w/ the natural acne skin care methods, pimple should not be addressed like demons under your bed. Here are some simple pimples skin care methods we can practice.
Don't pick that zit. People who prick pimples & blemishes as if pricking a bubble only worsens the chance of skin inflammation and pimple scars. Avoid hand contact w/ your face for better pimples skin care results.
Mr.Sun oh.. Mr Sun! If you love sun tanning or just want the sight of that sophisticated sunburnt look - forget it. This is an pimple skin care no-no. The sun’s harmful ultra violet rays redden the skin, making the skin drier. It can make one’s blemishes visible, speed up aging and bring serious damage to the human skin. Also, excessive exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. You don't want to ruin that great acne skin care you've been starting on with.
Shave w/ care. Choose the best electric shavers and safety razors you can trust for years. They'll be more comfortable to use. Men need not use a super sharp blade to get rid of that beard. A regular shaver used with soap & water, or shaving cream will help you get that smooth finish. Doctors advised men to shave lightly, and shave only when necessary for pimple skin care sustainment .
Get only the FRESH. Increase intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. These acne skin care tools are free of toxins which decreases blood circulation. A salad or a fruit a day will keep pimples away!
Cosmic Cosmetics. Eye shadows, blush on, moisturizer, & other cosmetics we use should be free from greasy substances to permit healthy pimple skin care maintenance. Even hairstyling products in forms of gels or aerosols that come in close contact w/ the skin may ruin a healthy acne skin care practice. Choose hairstyling wares, which are commercially labeled as non-comedogenic are products w/c do not provoke the formation and growth of blemishes and other related skin
Buttered Face. An African beauty secret reveals the power of shea butter w/c originated from the Karite Nut Tree (or Mangifolia tree). Hmmm... juicy pimples skin care tip! Karite Nut Tree was discovered in the semi-arid savannahs of West Africa and Central Africa. People in Africa, women in particular - rely in shea butter as a vital tool for acne skin care treatment for over centuries.
Water Power. Oil, they say is thicker than water. But water is the plainest, most natural substance we can use for pimples skin care. In washing your face, do it gently. Scratching & scrubbing your face doesn't clean the skin gently. For best pimples skin care effects, use a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning and evening, & after doing a heavy work out,believe me it will help you achieve a clear skin.
There is no perfect cure, medication, treatment or acne skin care methods for pimple problems. Thus, as the sole proprietor of our own skin, we must take full charge of what lies to be our first armour against pimples and other diseases.
Don't pick that zit. People who prick pimples & blemishes as if pricking a bubble only worsens the chance of skin inflammation and pimple scars. Avoid hand contact w/ your face for better pimples skin care results.
Mr.Sun oh.. Mr Sun! If you love sun tanning or just want the sight of that sophisticated sunburnt look - forget it. This is an pimple skin care no-no. The sun’s harmful ultra violet rays redden the skin, making the skin drier. It can make one’s blemishes visible, speed up aging and bring serious damage to the human skin. Also, excessive exposure to the sun can cause skin cancer. You don't want to ruin that great acne skin care you've been starting on with.
Shave w/ care. Choose the best electric shavers and safety razors you can trust for years. They'll be more comfortable to use. Men need not use a super sharp blade to get rid of that beard. A regular shaver used with soap & water, or shaving cream will help you get that smooth finish. Doctors advised men to shave lightly, and shave only when necessary for pimple skin care sustainment .
Get only the FRESH. Increase intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. These acne skin care tools are free of toxins which decreases blood circulation. A salad or a fruit a day will keep pimples away!
Cosmic Cosmetics. Eye shadows, blush on, moisturizer, & other cosmetics we use should be free from greasy substances to permit healthy pimple skin care maintenance. Even hairstyling products in forms of gels or aerosols that come in close contact w/ the skin may ruin a healthy acne skin care practice. Choose hairstyling wares, which are commercially labeled as non-comedogenic are products w/c do not provoke the formation and growth of blemishes and other related skin
Buttered Face. An African beauty secret reveals the power of shea butter w/c originated from the Karite Nut Tree (or Mangifolia tree). Hmmm... juicy pimples skin care tip! Karite Nut Tree was discovered in the semi-arid savannahs of West Africa and Central Africa. People in Africa, women in particular - rely in shea butter as a vital tool for acne skin care treatment for over centuries.
Water Power. Oil, they say is thicker than water. But water is the plainest, most natural substance we can use for pimples skin care. In washing your face, do it gently. Scratching & scrubbing your face doesn't clean the skin gently. For best pimples skin care effects, use a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning and evening, & after doing a heavy work out,believe me it will help you achieve a clear skin.
There is no perfect cure, medication, treatment or acne skin care methods for pimple problems. Thus, as the sole proprietor of our own skin, we must take full charge of what lies to be our first armour against pimples and other diseases.
Basic Guide To Get Rid of Pimple
Over the years pimples has affected billions of people in their early teenagers and for many on their adult lives. Each year new pimples treatments hit the market, each claiming to cease further pimples breakouts. However not one medication for acne has been proven to do that.
If you're like many pimple sufferers, and have a medicine cabinet full of various pimple medications that don't work, you need to stop & get back to the fundamentals of pimples care. Your first step is to become familiar about what pimples is & how it grows. Visit your doctor, or better yet consult with a dermatologist about your pimples condition. Your dermatologist may recommend over-the-counter medications for acne or if your acne is extreme, you may need prescription pimple medication.
Much of the medicines for acne available today consist of several products (systems for controlling acne), which includes an pimples face wash, exfoliator or toner and some lotion. The mixed use of these pimple medicines can have striking results in acne blemish control. Though they will likely not cure your pimples, when used properly, they will significantly lessen the number of acne breakouts.
Pimple control systems include:
Face wash or cleanser
The face wash or cleanser is used to fight bacteria. Some are designed to combat bacteria, both on the surface & within the pores. At the same time many contain tiny granules to help exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities. The two most common ingredients of face washes is either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Each of these ingredients approach pimple control in different ways.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide used as an antiseptic to minify the no. of surface bacteria & skin yeasts. It is available as a gel, cream, lotion or face wash in varying concentrations.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid helps slow down shedding skin cells inside the follicle, which in turn preventing clogging. It also helps breakdown, both blackheads & white heads. Salicylic acid is available in varying forms, like gels, lotions and medicated pads & in varying concentrations.
Exfoliator or Toner
The purpose of this gel or cream is to take off dead skin cells, unclog pores and remove excess oil. This one step is essential to acne blemish control. While not visible to the naked eye, clogging of the pores are a major contributor to pimple breakouts. Again, depending on the manufacturer, either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid or another medication for pimple may be included in this step.
The final step is applying a lotion. These lotions are usually oil free & used to moisturize, re-hydrate & reduce irritation of the skin. Some lotions may contain benzoyl peroxide to heal inflammation, which helps prevent future breakouts.
No matter w/c medication for acne you choose to use, following the acne treatment listed above will help to lessen your pimple breakouts. Each step is an important step in active acne blemish control. The mixed use of these medications can help to keep your skin clear and pimple free. As with use of any medicines, you should always consult your doctor or dermatologists before starting any pimples care treatment.
What's better than the basics? Simple steps like this can make a big difference - a solution for your pimple problems. Hang out here on the blog and you'll learn more.
If you're like many pimple sufferers, and have a medicine cabinet full of various pimple medications that don't work, you need to stop & get back to the fundamentals of pimples care. Your first step is to become familiar about what pimples is & how it grows. Visit your doctor, or better yet consult with a dermatologist about your pimples condition. Your dermatologist may recommend over-the-counter medications for acne or if your acne is extreme, you may need prescription pimple medication.
Much of the medicines for acne available today consist of several products (systems for controlling acne), which includes an pimples face wash, exfoliator or toner and some lotion. The mixed use of these pimple medicines can have striking results in acne blemish control. Though they will likely not cure your pimples, when used properly, they will significantly lessen the number of acne breakouts.
Pimple control systems include:
Face wash or cleanser
The face wash or cleanser is used to fight bacteria. Some are designed to combat bacteria, both on the surface & within the pores. At the same time many contain tiny granules to help exfoliate dead skin cells and impurities. The two most common ingredients of face washes is either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Each of these ingredients approach pimple control in different ways.
Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide used as an antiseptic to minify the no. of surface bacteria & skin yeasts. It is available as a gel, cream, lotion or face wash in varying concentrations.
Salicylic Acid
Salicylic acid helps slow down shedding skin cells inside the follicle, which in turn preventing clogging. It also helps breakdown, both blackheads & white heads. Salicylic acid is available in varying forms, like gels, lotions and medicated pads & in varying concentrations.
Exfoliator or Toner
The purpose of this gel or cream is to take off dead skin cells, unclog pores and remove excess oil. This one step is essential to acne blemish control. While not visible to the naked eye, clogging of the pores are a major contributor to pimple breakouts. Again, depending on the manufacturer, either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid or another medication for pimple may be included in this step.
The final step is applying a lotion. These lotions are usually oil free & used to moisturize, re-hydrate & reduce irritation of the skin. Some lotions may contain benzoyl peroxide to heal inflammation, which helps prevent future breakouts.
No matter w/c medication for acne you choose to use, following the acne treatment listed above will help to lessen your pimple breakouts. Each step is an important step in active acne blemish control. The mixed use of these medications can help to keep your skin clear and pimple free. As with use of any medicines, you should always consult your doctor or dermatologists before starting any pimples care treatment.
What's better than the basics? Simple steps like this can make a big difference - a solution for your pimple problems. Hang out here on the blog and you'll learn more.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Pimple Diets: Fatty Acids Consumption
Getting decent essential fatty acids is important in clearing pimples. It's these fatty acids that help control the output of androgenic hormones - the hormones that surge during the teenage years, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your pores and add up to creating your pimple.
The three fatty acids you need are omega 3, omega-6, and omega-9. You need more omega 6, olive oil, than omega 3. This is a daily requirement!
When you are deficient in the essential fatty acids, you will have,
Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids. The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid, omega 9 found in avocados.
Most diets people have contain an excess mass of omega 6 oils, so most likely you need to focus on getting more omega 3 oils into your diet.
You can get omega-3 oil from,
You can get omega-6 oil from,
You can get omega 9 oil from,
Fish Oils
In addition to providing your diet with omega-3 and omega 6 oils, you need to supplement your dieting with fish oils. Fish oil contains EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Normally, enzymes in your body break down omega 6 into EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
These 2 fatty acids eventually shift into prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins? What are they?
Prostaglandins are chemical hormones that come from omega 3 and omega-6 oils and that aid, regulate every function in your organs.
Prostaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produced in the pores, which results in pimple.
However, eating plenty essential fatty acids may not insure that you produce enough EPA and DHA, which produce the essential prostaglandins.
It is critical for pimples and more importantly for your health that you get enough EPA and DHA in your cells and organs so they can produce the required prostaglandins.
To increase the prostaglandins in your cell walls, it is necessary for you to take a fish supplement, w/c contains both the EPA and DHA.
Of course eating salmon, halibut, and mackerel twice a week will be a plus in providing your body with more EPA and DHA.
Include at least 20% of your diet calories as good fats - omega oils and fish oil. This is essential for controlling the excess activity of your hormones and reducing the inflammation of your pimple.
My my, what an informative post... I hope you've read this 'cause you'll be missing a lot if you don't. More post like this one, coming up!
The three fatty acids you need are omega 3, omega-6, and omega-9. You need more omega 6, olive oil, than omega 3. This is a daily requirement!
When you are deficient in the essential fatty acids, you will have,
- Sebaceous glands size increase
- Skin eruptions that won't heal
- Increased sebum output causing pimple
- A weak immune system
- Poor skin
Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids. The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid, omega 9 found in avocados.
Most diets people have contain an excess mass of omega 6 oils, so most likely you need to focus on getting more omega 3 oils into your diet.
You can get omega-3 oil from,
- sesame seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- avocados
- dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)
- walnuts
- salmon
- sardines
You can get omega-6 oil from,
- flaxseeds
- grape seed oil
- pistachio nuts
- olives
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
You can get omega 9 oil from,
- olive oil
- avocados
- cashews
- almonds
- olives
- sesame oil
Fish Oils
In addition to providing your diet with omega-3 and omega 6 oils, you need to supplement your dieting with fish oils. Fish oil contains EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Normally, enzymes in your body break down omega 6 into EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
These 2 fatty acids eventually shift into prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins? What are they?
Prostaglandins are chemical hormones that come from omega 3 and omega-6 oils and that aid, regulate every function in your organs.
Prostaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produced in the pores, which results in pimple.
However, eating plenty essential fatty acids may not insure that you produce enough EPA and DHA, which produce the essential prostaglandins.
It is critical for pimples and more importantly for your health that you get enough EPA and DHA in your cells and organs so they can produce the required prostaglandins.
To increase the prostaglandins in your cell walls, it is necessary for you to take a fish supplement, w/c contains both the EPA and DHA.
Of course eating salmon, halibut, and mackerel twice a week will be a plus in providing your body with more EPA and DHA.
Include at least 20% of your diet calories as good fats - omega oils and fish oil. This is essential for controlling the excess activity of your hormones and reducing the inflammation of your pimple.
My my, what an informative post... I hope you've read this 'cause you'll be missing a lot if you don't. More post like this one, coming up!
Pimple Story Sequel 2: Acne Eclipse
Pimple is one of the major problems teenagers face, it is something that, in some circumstances, may have a damaging effect on their friendly life, confidence & mental health. The acne status can range from mild to extreme, and in some cases is very hard to treat. In addition to pimple being a skin status that is, to say the least, unpleasant, it also have social & emotional effect. This effect carries w/ it a multitude of psychological issues that change teens lives in many different ways.
When thinking back I recall my pimple problem & very clearly remember that my friends & peers were not much of a help to me at those times. Society seems to respond to this skin status in the worst way, when the spirit of the teenager is at its most delicate stage. This is a main reason to why many teenagers try and avoid friendly events, situation where they might be in danger of embracement over a skin condition on which they apparently have no control.
One big problem is that some people do not understand the pimple problem for the mere reason that they never had from it, obviously this creates a bad situation where the teenager is not only made fun for the pimples he suffers from, he gets this from others that very clearly do not have the problem. In more recent years, however, the problems faced by those who suffer from pimples are being more widely covered, and the social & psychological effects being studied more closely.
Some will say that the trouble is our society & the norms it sets, the definition of beauty or of health in certain ages & in certain cultures. In a society where so much importance is placed on appearance & complying to the "norm", higher standards have been set concerning what people do and do not accept. In the defining stage of his life, the teen is extremely exposed to these social agreements and this creates problems w/ the understanding of the limits to improvement and the shame that follows lack of improvement. For teens this very important and sometimes even seem crucial. Many teenagers slowly get used to what other teenagers say about them and within a short period of time become very critical of their appearance & social possibilities, it is of course ridicules that a young man will judge himself for having a skin status but this actually happens and even more, some teenagers begin to develop inner hate towards themselves – because of this social pressure.
The best answer for explaining and combating pimples & its friendly entailments, it is recommended that a parent or a guide of some sort will explain to the teenager that acne is caused by many various things, many elements contribute to the growth of acne. In teens it is believed that hormones are the primary reason, internal secretions cause the body to produce excess oil, which in turn clogs pores & causes pimples. This kind of situation can be solved by regular acne treatment. The parent should also explain that eating certain foods & the way you clean your face also has little to do w/ the evolution of pimples, reassuring the teen at this point is very important as he is very likely to be bombarded w/ exaggerated pimple urban tales that create a feeling like everything the teen is doing is the cause of the pimple, as if it was a torment he could not shake.
Note: I just want to say that the stories I'm posting ain't related to each other at all. I title them with the word Sequel just for fun purposes.
When thinking back I recall my pimple problem & very clearly remember that my friends & peers were not much of a help to me at those times. Society seems to respond to this skin status in the worst way, when the spirit of the teenager is at its most delicate stage. This is a main reason to why many teenagers try and avoid friendly events, situation where they might be in danger of embracement over a skin condition on which they apparently have no control.
One big problem is that some people do not understand the pimple problem for the mere reason that they never had from it, obviously this creates a bad situation where the teenager is not only made fun for the pimples he suffers from, he gets this from others that very clearly do not have the problem. In more recent years, however, the problems faced by those who suffer from pimples are being more widely covered, and the social & psychological effects being studied more closely.
Some will say that the trouble is our society & the norms it sets, the definition of beauty or of health in certain ages & in certain cultures. In a society where so much importance is placed on appearance & complying to the "norm", higher standards have been set concerning what people do and do not accept. In the defining stage of his life, the teen is extremely exposed to these social agreements and this creates problems w/ the understanding of the limits to improvement and the shame that follows lack of improvement. For teens this very important and sometimes even seem crucial. Many teenagers slowly get used to what other teenagers say about them and within a short period of time become very critical of their appearance & social possibilities, it is of course ridicules that a young man will judge himself for having a skin status but this actually happens and even more, some teenagers begin to develop inner hate towards themselves – because of this social pressure.
The best answer for explaining and combating pimples & its friendly entailments, it is recommended that a parent or a guide of some sort will explain to the teenager that acne is caused by many various things, many elements contribute to the growth of acne. In teens it is believed that hormones are the primary reason, internal secretions cause the body to produce excess oil, which in turn clogs pores & causes pimples. This kind of situation can be solved by regular acne treatment. The parent should also explain that eating certain foods & the way you clean your face also has little to do w/ the evolution of pimples, reassuring the teen at this point is very important as he is very likely to be bombarded w/ exaggerated pimple urban tales that create a feeling like everything the teen is doing is the cause of the pimple, as if it was a torment he could not shake.
Note: I just want to say that the stories I'm posting ain't related to each other at all. I title them with the word Sequel just for fun purposes.
Pimple Story Sequel 1: New Hope
Admit it…there has been at least one time in your life where there was pimple on your face at just the wrong time. Whether it is first date, your senior promenade, or that big big job interview, everyone be focusing on the pimple instead of the whole you. Today, w/ all the many scientific advances, there are different new handlings for pimples that may just be the ticket to a clearer face and body.
The most frequent pimples treatments on the market today can be bought over the counter. Some common brand name treatments you can find at the drug stores are Neutrogena Clearasil, and Seabreeze. Most of these brands have creams, facial washes, pimple pads and moisturizers. When employing these treatments, do not give up on the product if your acne hasn't shown a big deal of improvement in a week or a day. Many times it takes some mistakes or what we call 'trial and error' to find the product that will work… you need to give each product about 2 weeks to reach any kind of effectiveness.
A new trend in treating acne is the product Proactiv. After countless commercial, ads in magazines and over the internet, it is becoming 1 of the most widely known acne treatments on the market. w/ celebrities raving about the results they get w/ this product, many people are bulging to try it out…w/ mixed effects. The ingredients in Proactiv can be found in many of the other treatments you can get at local shops. The only difference between the products - the price.
One specific type of pimple that many people find frequently on their face are blackheads, a particularly hard type of pimples to get rid of. Found mostly on our nose, cheeks and ears, this type of pimples is a very deep, hard to reach blemish that is like impossible to deal with. However, there are products are on the market to help with this type of pimple as well. Commonly known as “nose strips”, this treatment consists of a strip that has a substance on it that dries and literally removes the blackhead from the pore. Washing does little to stop blackheads from appearing on your face, but washing should be done if you try to squeeze this type of pimples. You can do more damage to your face trying to “self-extract” blackheads!
Today there is a comparatively new treatment out there for mild to moderate pimple. It is a hand-held device known as the Zeno pimple Clearing Device. This FDA approved pimple clearing device applies a precise 2 ½ minute heat treatment to pimples. This heat treatment kills the bacteria causing the pimple, thus healing the pimple. Unlike other treatments on the market, the Zeno pimple Clearing Device can clear up a pimple in a day as opposed to weeks w/ other choices.
Right hygiene is still the best way to fight acne on your face and other parts of your body. Washing your face regularly with a mild soap will usually keep pimple at bay. Regular soap and water won’t irritate your face like some pimple treatment products may. Only those with severe pimples will require any kind of visits to a skin doctor for prescription pimple medicines.
The most frequent pimples treatments on the market today can be bought over the counter. Some common brand name treatments you can find at the drug stores are Neutrogena Clearasil, and Seabreeze. Most of these brands have creams, facial washes, pimple pads and moisturizers. When employing these treatments, do not give up on the product if your acne hasn't shown a big deal of improvement in a week or a day. Many times it takes some mistakes or what we call 'trial and error' to find the product that will work… you need to give each product about 2 weeks to reach any kind of effectiveness.
A new trend in treating acne is the product Proactiv. After countless commercial, ads in magazines and over the internet, it is becoming 1 of the most widely known acne treatments on the market. w/ celebrities raving about the results they get w/ this product, many people are bulging to try it out…w/ mixed effects. The ingredients in Proactiv can be found in many of the other treatments you can get at local shops. The only difference between the products - the price.
One specific type of pimple that many people find frequently on their face are blackheads, a particularly hard type of pimples to get rid of. Found mostly on our nose, cheeks and ears, this type of pimples is a very deep, hard to reach blemish that is like impossible to deal with. However, there are products are on the market to help with this type of pimple as well. Commonly known as “nose strips”, this treatment consists of a strip that has a substance on it that dries and literally removes the blackhead from the pore. Washing does little to stop blackheads from appearing on your face, but washing should be done if you try to squeeze this type of pimples. You can do more damage to your face trying to “self-extract” blackheads!
Today there is a comparatively new treatment out there for mild to moderate pimple. It is a hand-held device known as the Zeno pimple Clearing Device. This FDA approved pimple clearing device applies a precise 2 ½ minute heat treatment to pimples. This heat treatment kills the bacteria causing the pimple, thus healing the pimple. Unlike other treatments on the market, the Zeno pimple Clearing Device can clear up a pimple in a day as opposed to weeks w/ other choices.
Right hygiene is still the best way to fight acne on your face and other parts of your body. Washing your face regularly with a mild soap will usually keep pimple at bay. Regular soap and water won’t irritate your face like some pimple treatment products may. Only those with severe pimples will require any kind of visits to a skin doctor for prescription pimple medicines.
I'm not promoting any products here, I'm just relaying stories I heard from friends which they said are working. It is your own decision that should take place, and don't forget what I always say - Doctor's advice are best.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Stop Pimple Formation
How Pimple Troubles Most Of Us?
Pimple troubles almost all of us. Either when we are teens or when we become adults. Those who have pimple on face are shy of seeing friends and those have pimple on the back are shy of removing their shirt in public. teenagers ask if pimples will corrupt their relationships. Pimple has been taken as a way of life. We have all come to believe that acne cannot be prevented. it can be only treated once you get it. Can the pimples establishment be stopped?
How It Forms?
Pimple is associated with our sebaceous glands with hair. When the gland produces more sebum, and dead skin cells accumulate, they clog the pores. This increases the pressure in the gland and forms pimple. If we want to stop pimple, we have to address these two main issues along with getting rid of excess P.acnes bacteria that produces inflammation.
How To Stop Pimples Establishment/Formation?
Suppose I am prone to pimple. I can always try all the steps to control the oil. I can consult my doctor about drugs that will bring my hormones in order and not activate sebum production. I will ask my skin doctor about how to make my skin shed the dead skin cells regularly so that they don't block the pores. I will try methods such microdermabrasion and AHA treatments to remove the dead skin layer. I will find out w/c antibacterial drug will take care of the P.acnes and don't allow it to grow.
The issue is that most of us never consult our skin doctor in detail about the prevention but are happy to clear whatever pimples we get. Please talk to your dermatologist in detail about how you can address these three issues and prevent pimples. Do not allow it to form. Take the help of science and make all effort to stop it from forming. There are a lot of ways to get rid of pimple, and most of the can be given by our doctors, though you have to pay a fee.
But if you are on a tight budget, you can always come here, there are a lot of tips I've given already and there are much much more to come, so stick your eyes and RSS feeds right here. Imagine getting tips on getting rid of your pimple and acne problems for free!
Pimple troubles almost all of us. Either when we are teens or when we become adults. Those who have pimple on face are shy of seeing friends and those have pimple on the back are shy of removing their shirt in public. teenagers ask if pimples will corrupt their relationships. Pimple has been taken as a way of life. We have all come to believe that acne cannot be prevented. it can be only treated once you get it. Can the pimples establishment be stopped?
How It Forms?
Pimple is associated with our sebaceous glands with hair. When the gland produces more sebum, and dead skin cells accumulate, they clog the pores. This increases the pressure in the gland and forms pimple. If we want to stop pimple, we have to address these two main issues along with getting rid of excess P.acnes bacteria that produces inflammation.
How To Stop Pimples Establishment/Formation?
Suppose I am prone to pimple. I can always try all the steps to control the oil. I can consult my doctor about drugs that will bring my hormones in order and not activate sebum production. I will ask my skin doctor about how to make my skin shed the dead skin cells regularly so that they don't block the pores. I will try methods such microdermabrasion and AHA treatments to remove the dead skin layer. I will find out w/c antibacterial drug will take care of the P.acnes and don't allow it to grow.
The issue is that most of us never consult our skin doctor in detail about the prevention but are happy to clear whatever pimples we get. Please talk to your dermatologist in detail about how you can address these three issues and prevent pimples. Do not allow it to form. Take the help of science and make all effort to stop it from forming. There are a lot of ways to get rid of pimple, and most of the can be given by our doctors, though you have to pay a fee.
But if you are on a tight budget, you can always come here, there are a lot of tips I've given already and there are much much more to come, so stick your eyes and RSS feeds right here. Imagine getting tips on getting rid of your pimple and acne problems for free!
Infant Pimples
Babies experiencing pimple and acne flare ups? You might think that it's a bluff, but no - some infants really do get pimples after they are born. You might be interested to know more about infant pimples since you may become a parent one, two or ten years from now.
Small infants may develop pimple because of the lingering maternal hormones after delivery, which may cause stimulation to the baby's sebaceous glands. Your child receives these hormones from the placenta, after the delivery.
Don't be too concerned if your child has pimples. About 20% of the newborn babies are subjected to child pimple, also known as acne-neonatorum.
Let us recognize the various aspects of this peculiar type of acne. First things first, the treatment for infantile pimples is not the same as that of pimples treatment for adults and teens.
Infantile pimple is gender-biased. Male infants are more involved than females. Normally babies have the pimple attack at the age of 3 weeks. Some babies have it from the time of delivery. Generally the types of pimples you find in infants are papules and pustules. They have a collection of pus.
Some babies also have pimples on the scalp. Pimple in infants does not require treatment as such. The lesions will be rid of themselves w/in a period of four months. But do take the normal care of the child as you would take care of the other body parts.
Use gentle child soap and gently clean the face once in a day with water. Do not try other methods by using oil and other lotions w/c you think are good. They may even at times, worsen the condition. Know for certain that infantile pimples will disappear when it has to.
If you and your family physician feel that the baby has severe pimple, treat it with benzoyl peroxide, keratolytic agents or topical creams like retinoids.
The ways of pimples are indeed mysterious. If you have a family history of acne, that doesn't mean that your child will have acne. And just because the child has pimples, it doesn't mean that, it will suffer from the attack of pimples, when it grows up. Pimple has its own working style and attacking strategy.
Infantile pimples, which normally appears after the age of three months in a baby, quietly disappears after the age of 12 months. No special efforts of treatment are required. In some infants, the condition may last up to 3 years. It is due to the genetic makeup of your child. You have something to contribute to it, as the hereditary part.
You have nothing to do with the infantile pimples, relating to the treatment part. Just observe its arrival and departure.
Small infants may develop pimple because of the lingering maternal hormones after delivery, which may cause stimulation to the baby's sebaceous glands. Your child receives these hormones from the placenta, after the delivery.
Don't be too concerned if your child has pimples. About 20% of the newborn babies are subjected to child pimple, also known as acne-neonatorum.
Let us recognize the various aspects of this peculiar type of acne. First things first, the treatment for infantile pimples is not the same as that of pimples treatment for adults and teens.
Infantile pimple is gender-biased. Male infants are more involved than females. Normally babies have the pimple attack at the age of 3 weeks. Some babies have it from the time of delivery. Generally the types of pimples you find in infants are papules and pustules. They have a collection of pus.
Some babies also have pimples on the scalp. Pimple in infants does not require treatment as such. The lesions will be rid of themselves w/in a period of four months. But do take the normal care of the child as you would take care of the other body parts.
Use gentle child soap and gently clean the face once in a day with water. Do not try other methods by using oil and other lotions w/c you think are good. They may even at times, worsen the condition. Know for certain that infantile pimples will disappear when it has to.
If you and your family physician feel that the baby has severe pimple, treat it with benzoyl peroxide, keratolytic agents or topical creams like retinoids.
The ways of pimples are indeed mysterious. If you have a family history of acne, that doesn't mean that your child will have acne. And just because the child has pimples, it doesn't mean that, it will suffer from the attack of pimples, when it grows up. Pimple has its own working style and attacking strategy.
Infantile pimples, which normally appears after the age of three months in a baby, quietly disappears after the age of 12 months. No special efforts of treatment are required. In some infants, the condition may last up to 3 years. It is due to the genetic makeup of your child. You have something to contribute to it, as the hereditary part.
You have nothing to do with the infantile pimples, relating to the treatment part. Just observe its arrival and departure.
How Accutane Works for Pimple Treatment
Pimple is the most everyday skin disorder among adolescence & adults likewise. It has harassed us for generations and continues to affect us today.
There are four causes of pimple, as stated by the American Academy of Dermatology. These four causes are hormones, increased sebum yield, changes inside hair follicles, and bacteria. An oily substance, called sebum, is secreted by the sebaceous organs when the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are inflamed. An extra amount of sebum can congest the follicles (pores) and eventually results to bacterial formation and inflammation of the follicles.
Accutane is considered to be the ultimate, end-all medication for eliminating acne. Accutane is employed to treat severe types of pimple w/c have not been healed through conventional antibiotics & topical creams.It is used to control all of the underlying causes of acne by renormalizing your follicles, decreasing sebum production, thinning inflammation and limiting the growth of bacterium.
However, there are also side effects that you should be aware of when choosing to use Accutane as a cure for pimple.Two of the most serious possible side effects affiliated with taking Accutane include birth defects and serious mental health problems (including suicidal tendencies). There are also many other possible side effects affiliated w/ Accutane that you should review with your doctor or health care provider before the use of this medication.
In order to decide whether this treatment is right for you; you should discuss with your doctor how severe your pimple is, what other treatments you’ve tried, the potential benefits of accutane, the possible side effects of accutane and any other health related issues that may affect you while taking accutane (i.e. use of antibiotic drugs, depression, etc.).
There are four causes of pimple, as stated by the American Academy of Dermatology. These four causes are hormones, increased sebum yield, changes inside hair follicles, and bacteria. An oily substance, called sebum, is secreted by the sebaceous organs when the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are inflamed. An extra amount of sebum can congest the follicles (pores) and eventually results to bacterial formation and inflammation of the follicles.
Accutane is considered to be the ultimate, end-all medication for eliminating acne. Accutane is employed to treat severe types of pimple w/c have not been healed through conventional antibiotics & topical creams.It is used to control all of the underlying causes of acne by renormalizing your follicles, decreasing sebum production, thinning inflammation and limiting the growth of bacterium.
However, there are also side effects that you should be aware of when choosing to use Accutane as a cure for pimple.Two of the most serious possible side effects affiliated with taking Accutane include birth defects and serious mental health problems (including suicidal tendencies). There are also many other possible side effects affiliated w/ Accutane that you should review with your doctor or health care provider before the use of this medication.
In order to decide whether this treatment is right for you; you should discuss with your doctor how severe your pimple is, what other treatments you’ve tried, the potential benefits of accutane, the possible side effects of accutane and any other health related issues that may affect you while taking accutane (i.e. use of antibiotic drugs, depression, etc.).
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